Dick Lee

By Alvin Xie On 31 March 2008 At 11:04 PM



By ~~Ray~~ On 28 March 2008 At 5:07 PM

Smack the Pony

whole bunch of them in youtube.. seriously funny!
By gsr 8 On 25 March 2008 At 12:04 AM



By ~~Ray~~ On 13 March 2008 At 6:32 AM

We <3 Andy!! hahaha. Pictures when our msn-s decide to cooperate so we can send pictures grrrr.
By Ms Boon On 09 March 2008 At 3:26 AM

More Reasons

  1. He heard abt Edison's series of pic and was beri gian to come out and surf net.
  2. He is an undercover cop in the detention, but his supervisor in the police betrayed him, leaving him with no choice but to find his own path
  3. He was in the detention all along, but the police had some secret plans to catch his partners in crime
  4. Police found that they had wronged him all along as he was not a terrorist in the first place. Hence he was quietly sent away
  5. He don't even exist in the first place.

Disclaimer: The above "He" do not refer to anyone in particular

By ZQ On 06 March 2008 At 10:42 PM

Top 10 reasons for Mas Selamat's escape

10. The toilet bowl at the detention center was super-sized with a powerful flush.
9. His family kidnapped him during the visit, the police malu and said he escaped.
8. He was released by the govt to draw citizen's attention away from The Budget, rising costs and new ERP gantries.
7. He didn't escape, he was stressed to death in the detention center's round rooms.
6. His friends sent him a skateboard during the last visit and he amazed the guards with his stunts and skated away.
5. He wore his green t-shirt on his lower half and his brown slacks on his upper half and no one could recognized him.
4. He didn't escape, he slacked to death.
3. He ran away while taking pictures with moustache, without moustache, with red hair, with cap, with scarf, for the police.
2. Anwar is back, Thaksin is back, Chin Cheong is back. Mas Selamat also want to 'be back'.
1. He got a job at Long John Silver.
By Alvin Xie On At 2:36 PM

This Vitas dude can really sing

wait for the chorus
By Alvin Xie On 03 March 2008 At 1:17 AM